Radiance Yoga DVD Testimonials:
“I instantly fell in love with this style of yoga and have grown particularly fond of Jesse Chapman’s yoga instruction and routine”. Sophie
“I recently purchased your Radiance Yoga Beginners DVD and it’s wonderful. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. Thank you for sharing your knowledge in a very relaxing and easy to follow way”. Carolyn
“Love the way you’ve set this up and I’m enjoying the different options offered apart from the 30min session”. Jenny
“I am continually inspired by your yoga DVD’s”. Sarant
“I’ve been using the Radiance Yoga dvd for 6 months which I just love! A LARGE hug and many thanks to you for creating this DVD”. Annie
“My daughter and I ordered your 2 new DVD’s. Just wanted to let you know they are both fantastic. Finally your new DVDs have been released and I bought both and have started using them. I love them, particularly as I can select 30, 20 or 10 min yoga practice and then include extra core strength or abdominal exercise – I really need that. I find the practice a little challenging compared to your first 2 DVDs, but that means I am working harder. Thank you so much. Great work”. Jan
“I am thrilled to have my own teacher in my own lounge room…I cant touch my toes so i think i will be practising for a little while yet…I love the way it tells you what each pose does for your health..just brilliant”. Bonnie
“I have a copy of your yoga DVD filmed on the Byron beach and just want to let you know that I think it is fantastic! I have tried yoga literally three or four times over the past five years and could never really get into it or understand it for some reason..? But when I came across your DVD …well I cannot explain what happened but I am now hooked! It is so differ